




International Conference : Migrants in European Cities

# Recherche - Université - Formation - Entreprise - International - Vie étudiante , Enseignants-chercheurs - Étudiants - Personnel de l'université

Conférence internationale "Migrant in european cities" du 15 au 17 janvier 2020 Université de Cergy-Pontoise (Gennevilliers)

 Les grandes lignes au programme

15 janvier  :

14h00, ouverture

16 Janvier  

Introduction :

"Which data to know migrants’ residential mobility: a comparative approach in European context?”, by Catherine Marshall, Elizabeth Auclair and Didier Desponds.

“Transnational migrations grounded in local communities and their impact on the transformation of cities” by Margarita Barañano.



17 Janvier




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This conference aims to bring together researchers specialized in the study of migrations in Europe, with a focus on the urban and social impacts of migrants’ settlement in European cities and a preference for bottom-up and longitudinal approaches. A fieldwork visit will be organized for the conference participants as well as a roundtable with local political and associative actors.

Call for papers

In recent years, migrations have become a challenging issue for European countries, especially for metropolises attracting migrants from various areas in the world. Indeed, in urban conurbations, migratory influx contributes to the development of reception areas that are marked by their « ethnic » components. In these areas, migrants of many nationalities, often recently arrived, group together to live and develop their own cultural, religious or economic activities (Ma Mung, 2006; Ebilitigué, 2014; Ma Mung, 2016). The conference aims to analyze if the impact of migrations on local spaces is configuring « ethnoburbs » (Li, 2008), « multicultural » (Martiniello, 1997; Perez-Agate, Tejerina, Barañano, 2010) or « multiethnic » neighbourhoods (Raulin, 2000; Levitt & Glick-Schiller, 2003; Capone, 2008; Thibaud, 2015); or on the contrary, contributing to the formation of « mono-ethnic » or strongly segregated spaces and neighbourhoods from an ethnic or national point of view, due to either the hyper-concentration of a particular migrant group or the segregation of the autochthonous population with respect to migrants.
At the finer intra-urban scale, what are the factors which contribute to these types of settlement processes rather than others ? How do these populations choose where to settle? How are economic activities linked to such migration processes ? How do households coming from abroad try to get involved in the city by means of associations, of politics? How do urban policies at a local scale face these new dynamics? How are the migrants integrated ? Such interrogations need to draw on different fields of research: urban sociology, social geography, economic geography, political studies, urban planning, cultural studies and gender studies.

  • Topic 1: Data comparison

    The first topic aims to compare the data on migrations and immigrants available in the different European countries, from the national to the local level. While it is possible to describe these phenomena using statistical data, it is much more difficult to fully understand them. How and by whom are statistical data produced, collected, stored, exploited and shared in the respect of ethical issues ? Do we observe different norms and practices among the European countries?
  • Topic 2: Migrants’ settlement and residential strategies

    The second topic will concern immigrants’ residential locations and the channels through which these populations arrive at them. Assuming that the residential settlements of migrants are the result of choices made by micro-actors (Wang, 2017), these being the individuals and families in question, we will seek to understand, through quantitative and qualitative approaches (Bréant, 2012; Ministère de l’Intérieur, 2017), the factors that contribute to reinforcing these groupings and initiating spatial diffusion.
  • Topic 3: Migrants’ economic activities and cities’ economic mutations

    The third topic concerns the relationship between migrants’ residential settlements in European cities and the economic activities they develop. The settlement of migrant populations encourages the appearance of new activities and functions that can transform the urban landscape to a greater or lesser extent (« ethnic » restaurants or shops, telephone points, places of worship, etc.). These individuals (or groups) also help organize complex networks and structure multi-scaled interactions (between here and elsewhere). This contributes to generating significant economic development, even if it is not as visible and symbolic as with multinational companies (Chojnicki, 2015).
  • Topic 4: Interculturality and citizenship

    The aim of the fourth topic is to produce a comparative overview of the socio-cultural dimension of migrants’ integration in various European cities. Three main dimensions may be privileged: 1) interethnic and intra-ethnic relations of migrant groups with other inhabitants and between them, highlighting also gender and age relations; 2) their effects in reshaping local welfare and local citizenship; 3) the impact of all these processes, and of multilevel policies, mainly local and urban policies, on the integration of migrant groups at the neighbourhood scale and in their city. We will also consider their implications for the transformation of physical spaces and the representations and images of the neighbourhoods.
  • Topic 5: Multiscale integration policies

    The fifth topic aims to assess multiscale integration policies (European, national and local) towards migrants with regards to migrants’ settlement and contribution to cities. In which ways do they enable or not migrants’ social inclusion in the cities and neighborhoods where they settled ? This must involve understanding the mechanisms which lead to forms of conglomerations based on nationality or a feeling of belonging to a community.

Scientific committee

Abdoul Hameth BA – Evry University, France
Peter Balogh – Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Margarita Barañano Cid – Complutense university of Madrid, Spain
Pierre Bergel – Caen-Normandie University, France
Teresa Costa Pinto – ISCTE, Portugal
Didier Desponds – Cergy-Pontoise University, France
Pierre Kamden – Poitiers University, France
Jesús Leal Maldonado – Complutense university of Madrid, Spain
Tim Leibert – Leibniz Ifl, Germany
Béla Solteszr – Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Jacques Teller – University of Liège, Belgium
Karin Wiest – Leibniz ifl, Germany
Aurore Merle – Cergy-Pontoise University, France
Diana Burgos – Cergy-Pontoise University, France

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