Chair : Organisers
De 09:30 à 17:30
Conférence : La circulation des idées et des pratiques concernant la démocratie au travail en Europe et au-delà, de la Seconde guerre mondiale à nos jours
# Intranet - Intranet-etudiants , Université
Programme Day 1
9h30 - 9h45 Welcome with coffee / tea
9h45 - 10h Word of welcome by the organisers
10h - 11h30 Panel 1 : A dominant but contested model in Europe : Co-determination
Chair : Stefan BERGER (Ins1tute for Social Movements, Ruhr-University, Bochum)
1. Sophia FRIEDEL (Ins1tute for Social Movements, Ruhr-University, Bochum) :
German “Mitbes.mmung” as the ul.mate means to democra.ze the workplace in WesternEurope? A discourse analysis
2. Alexandre BIBERT (Deutsches Historisches Ins1tut, Paris): French Views on Mitbes.mmung from the 1950s to the 1970s
3. Sara Lafuente HERNANDEZ (European Trade Union Ins1tute, Brussels):The conceptual discussion around Workplace Par.cipa.on and its implica.ons for EU policydevelopments
11h30 – 11h45 Coffee / tea break
11h45 – 12h45 Keynote Lecture : Transnational history and workplace democracy?
Keynote Speaker : Gerd-Rainer HORN (SciencePo Centre for History, Paris)
12h45 – 13h45 Lunch
13h45 – 15h15 Panel 2 : The circula1on and persistence of the self-management model
Chair : Frank GEORGI (University of Évry Paris-Saclay)
1. Céline MARTY (University of Franche-Comté) : The Franco-Italian exchanges on self-management between Gorz and the operaists
2. Dušan MARKOVIC (University of Belgrade) : Serge Mallet in Yugoslavia : A story of an exchange of ideas
3. Guillaume GENOUD (University of Évry Paris-Saclay) : Regionalism, na.onalism and self-management : The case of the Corsican trade-unionists ofthe CFDT and of the STC (1972-1991)
15h15 – 15h30 Coffee / tea break
15h30 – 17h Panel 3 : Alternative models of workplace democracy ? The Bri1sh and ‘Nordic’ cases in transnational perspective
Chair : Sophia FRIEDEL (Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr-University, Bochum)
1.Peter ACKERS (Centre for Work, Organisation and Society, Loughborough University) : Hugh Clegg – the Pluralist Voluntarist approach to Industrial Democracy (1945 to1979)
2. Rebecca ZAHN (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow) : Revealing the Role of Ideas in Labour Law’s Development : Interac.ons between Germanexiled Trade Unionists and the labour movement
3. Haldor BYRKEJFLOT (University of Oslo) : The Nordic Model of workplace Democracy in transnational perspective, 1970-2023
17h – 17h30 Discussion / Concluding Remarks Day 1
Programme Day 2
9h30 – 11h00 Panel 4 : Economic democracy and socialism
Chair : Pedro TEIXEIRA (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin)
1. Vladimir UNKOVSKI (University of Glasgow) and Aurélie ANDRY (University of Évry Paris-Saclay) : Yugoslav Self-Management, the British Lea and the Origins of the Alternative EconomicStrategy
2. Aleksandar MILETIC (Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade) : Yugoslav Workers’Self-Management and the Western European Socialist and Social-Democratic Lea
3. Vaclav RAMES (University of Prague) : Czechoslovakia – How practices of economic democracy helped remove the politicaldominance of the Communist Party (1989)
11h – 11h15 Coffee / tea break
11h15 – 12h45 Panel 5 : Ideas and policies of workplace democracy in European institutions and International Organizations
Chair : György SZELL (University of Osnabrueck, Institute of Social Sciences)
1. Isabel DA COSTA (CNRS/ENS Paris-Saclay) : Workplace Democracy through Collective Bargaining : from the national to thetransnational level
2. Holm-Detlev KÖHLER (University of Oviedo) : Worker participation in transnational company actions in Europe
3. Charles LURQUIN (McGill University in Montreal) : The ILOs approach to Workplace Democracy
12h45 – 14h Lunch
14h– 15h30 Panel 6 : Global circulations beyond Europe
Chair : Manfred WANNÖFFE (Joint Working Centre of the Ruhr-University Bochum and IG Metall)
1. Benedeeo ZACCARIA (University of Padova) : Sarajevo Caput Mundi – The Global Dimension of the 1971 “Second Congress of YugoslavSelf-Managers”
2. Gabriela SCODELLER (Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences (Argentina) and National University of Cuyo) : Dialogues regarding self-management search and reception from a Latin-American labourorganisation during the long sixties
3. Nicola LAMRI (University of Bologna/University of Polythechnique Hauts-de-France) : The Italian reception of the Algerian self-management experiment between myth and concrete support (1962-65)
15h30 – 15h45 Coffee / tea break
15h45 – 16h45 Roundtable Discussion (Research Perspectives, Publication, etc.)
Chair : Organisers